A Message from Self Advocates in BC

November 10-12th marked the 18th annual Self Advocacy Leadership Institute held in the Fraser Valley. 

35 Self advocate leaders were asked what work still needs to be done to make the world more inclusive and accessible for people with diverse abilities.  This is what they said:

  • Social justice for all! No more bullying. Zero tolerance for bullying.
  • Language still needs to change! We don’t want to be labelled.  Don’t DIS our Abilities.  We have Diverse Abilities!
  • Safety in our communities!
  • Inclusive and Accessible recreation centres and ski resorts- grab bars, wheelchair friendly
  • Equal Voice to communicate what is important to us
  • Raised expectations and understanding about what we CAN do
  • Kind and thoughtful people who know how to slow down and be respectful
  • Use my own voice to speak for myself
  • No charity
  • More people with diverse abilities on committees to make changes in community.
  • Awareness to hospitals about how to treat patients with diverse abilities with dignity and respect
  • Transportation!! Later buses so I can have independence and freedom in my community
  • Be able to use bus pass on Handidart!!
  • Teachers who believe in you and teach you to read
  • Help the youth learn about compassion for diversity
  • Feeling safe that we will be supported when our family gets older

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