A strong, determined survivor of the system and society, who is full of perseverance.

My name is Luanne Bradshaw.  I am a very strong and determined go- getter who does not back away from issues. I have been involved in community clean-up for at least 25 years and I have had articles written about my work and I have received an award of recognition from the City of Burnaby. I would like to feel valued and appreciated – a small tip here and there would be very appreciated, because I am working for the benefit of everyone. It is very frustrating when areas that I have cleaned are made messy again by people carelessly throwing away garbage. Sometimes when I am cleaning up an area people will harass me or make rude comments. I try my best to educate that them about I am doing.

I have learned a few things through my work. The meaning and purpose in life is having full control of your destiny and identity in life. It means having a full voice in the community and not having anything brushed under the carpet. Don’t be afraid to talk to the people responsible. As an example, I try to engage with community partners who have responsibility for certain areas of the community. One example is BC Hydro – I have spoken with a number of representatives and even tried visiting the CEO to get them to clean up some of their land which has attracted a lot of garbage. I am still trying to hold those in charge accountable, sometimes it feel like they are deliberately trying to delay which only makes me try harder.

I recommend for anyone to be heard on big and important issues – such as community cleanup, you need to try to get a supportive agency involved like the Community Living Society (CLS). Another way is to have a group forum where you can go for to bring up your concerns and to have them keep pushing and pushing for an answer.

If anyone is interesting in discussing my community clean-up work, please contact me at 604.430.1128


Luanne Bradshaw

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