B.C. improves inclusivity for people with developmental disabilities

Victoria Thursday, May 26, 2022 1:15 PM

Inclusive Housing

  • InclusionBC: $500,000
    • To identify, map and engage partners from within community living who want to support the development of inclusive housing or the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in existing housing.
    • To support community living partners’ promotion of inclusive housing in the housing plans of stakeholders, such as non-profit housing providers, developers and local municipal governments.
    • To raise awareness at provincial and local levels of the need for inclusive housing among housing stakeholders.
  • Aboriginal Housing Management Association: $121,000
    • To engage and inform Indigenous Peoples on Indigenous-inclusive housing.
    • To increase the cultural safety in housing and services delivered by non-Indigenous organizations, research and define cultural safety in inclusive housing, and to develop and deliver cultural safety training and educational resources.
    • To increase access for Indigenous people with disabilities to Indigenous-developed housing, support connections to Community Living BC (CLBC), and identify structural barriers for people with developmental disabilities.
  • SPARC BC: $75,000
    • To research and evaluate portable housing subsidies.


  • InclusionBC: $1 million
    • Attitudes have been identified as a key barrier to more people wanting to pursue work and careers, and to more people having opportunities to work. The project will use success stories to help change attitudes.
    • To identify, collect and document stories of success in employment in a variety of formats, including videos.
    • To develop platforms and strategic partnerships to support sharing of success stories to change attitudes.
    • Evaluating the effectiveness of tools, methods and partnerships in shifting attitudes.
  • Indigenous Community and Leadership Development Group: $175,000 and Delta Community Living Society on behalf of BC Employment Network (BCEN): $175,000
    • To develop and deliver staff training and culturally safe supports for Indigenous individuals receiving services from CLBC employment-service providers.
    • To work with Indigenous employment service providers to build capacity for delivering services to Indigenous individuals with developmental disabilities.
  • Delta Community Living Society on behalf of BCEN: $300,000
    • To develop an employment co-ordinator training project to provide solutions for service providers facing recruitment and retention challenges.
  • InclusionBC: $1 million
    • To create a pilot program with a focus on smaller communities to identify and test options for engaging and encouraging more to hire people with developmental disabilities.
    • The pilot project will inform future initiatives to promote employer involvement in advancing inclusive employment.

Health and Wellness

  • Lookout Housing and Health Society: $1,017,000 and Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre: $117,000
    • To develop a low-barrier housing pilot project at Grosvenor House in Surrey for effective, affordable and sustainable services for CLBC-eligible adults with addictions and mental-health issues.
    • To support individuals, who are drug and street involved, and have complex needs with a step-in/step-out program.

Inclusive Indigenous Services

  • BC Aboriginal Friendship Centre: $120,000
    • To develop an Indigenous procurement project at CLBC for Indigenous service providers for CLBC-eligible individuals.
  • Secwepemc Child and Family Services: $120,000
    • To work with the Delegated Aboriginal Agengies Secretariat for a project that connects Indigenous individuals to services, including youth transitioning with Delegated Aboriginal Agencies.
  • Aboriginal Housing Management Association: $50,000
    • To develop an Indigenous Housing research project and recommendations and identify partners to promote inclusive housing.

Community Inclusion Innovation Fund

  • This fund supports creative initiatives that advance inclusion for the people CLBC serves. Funded projects include:
    • Options for Sexual Health: $98,000 to support SIXpo (Sexuality, Inclusion and eXploration), a conference that focuses on people with disabilities and sexuality.
    • Lifetime Networks Victoria: $100,000 to support HOPE, a project to provide consistent and sustainable support to people with complex needs.
    • ESATTA (Empowering Self-Advocates to Take Action): $100,000 to support this co-operative of self advocates on a collaborative project to to identify what would make their communities more inclusive.
    • posAbilities: $88,000 to support a social-influencer fellowship project, providing an opportunity to become a social influencer, build a profile and brand, develop content and develop an online presence and community.
    • Lifetime Networks Victoria: $98,000 for My Circle of Friends, a project to establish a peer friendship co-ordination program that includes both one-to-one friendships and friendship pods.


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