Campers to benefit from upgraded sites

Powell River Monday, May 13, 2019 9:30 AM

A new $15 fee is being applied to two recreation sites in the Powell River area that are being upgraded to fee-for-service sites to provide better camping services.

The change means that the sites at Dodd Lake and Nanton Lake will be maintained more frequently and visited regularly by a site host.

The fees will apply to users occupying a campsite for any portion of a day or overnight.

A 50% discount will be available to British Columbia seniors and people with disabilities. Free day use is still allowed for shared public areas at the recreation sites (non-campsites).

The change is being made to meet the demand for more certainty around campsite availability and to provide a higher level of service as requested by many users of the recreation sites. Recognizing the demand for free camping opportunities, free sites will continue to be maintained at Lois Lake, Khartoum Lake and Dinner Rock.

Information on recreation sites, including facility amenities, number of campsites, type of access, fees, fire bans and restrictions, site descriptions, site operators and driving directions, along with additional information to help with trip planning, is available online:

This On BC Govt Website go to link here


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