Category Archives: Local Self Advocacy Groups

The Self Advocates of Nanaimo (SAN)

“Nothing About Us Without Us” Self Advocates Nanaimo – SAN·Wednesday, August 21, 2019· Self Advocates Nanaimo (SAN) was formed with support of Nanaimo Supporting Advocates in Leadership in 2014. SAN is an important platform for people with diversabilities to have a voice and to learn how to take positive action towards the issues presented. SAN […]

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Self-Advocates of Semiahmoo – SAS

The Self Advocates of Semiahmoo(SAS) are a group made up of awesome people with diverse abilities and forward thinking ideas. SAS is about real change. SAS members gain confidence, friendships and create meaningful experiences. There are lots of ways to be a part of SAS; meetings, speaking, karaoke nights, fundraisers, conferences,Community Inclusion month, Surrey Eagles […]

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Abbotsford Self Advocacy Group

      WE BELIEVE ALL PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO DIRECT THEIR OWN LIVES Abbotsford Self Advocacy Group Date time of Meetings   Upcoming meeting at moment on hold Covig 19 virus for now   just a reminder our next Self Advocates meetings will be held on a Wednesday from 6:30 – 8:30 pm […]

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Milieu Family Services Self-Advocacy Group

This is Home Page of Milieu Family Services Self-Advocacy Group Self-Advocacy is representing unity in all. Working together we strive for positive growth, goals, and independence. Accepting everyone’s differences and abilities, we learn from each other. Together we give and receive, helping gain connections within the community. Everyone’s ideas are accepted with respect and dignity. […]

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Delta Self Advocacy Group

Self Advocacy is a civil rights movement for people with developmental disabilities. Self Advocates seek to reduce the isolation of people with a developmental disability and share the tools and experience they need to take greater control over their lives – including being in charge of their own supports, or lobbying for improvements in public […]

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What is the purpose of a Self-Advocacy Group? The purpose of The Nelson Self-Advocacy Group is to encourage people with disabilities to take more control over their own lives, make their own decisions, solve their own problems, and speak for themselves. We build awareness and education of the strengths, rights, wants, and needs of people […]

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Langley Self Advocacy Group

Inclusion Langley Society has supported a Self-Advocate Committee since 2009. The committee meets monthly to provide information about self-advocacy and to talk about issues and events that are important to self-advocates. The committee has been involved in organization events and projects that have resulted in the development of guides for self-advocates on Supported Decision Making, […]

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Self Advocate Leadership Network

  These groups came together to learn and support each other. These groups also came together so they can share and help grow other self-advocacy groups.   Bringing people together. Sharing. Learning together. Having fun. Connecting.   Covig 19 information from Self Advocate Leadership Network This information for self advocates regarding covig 19 be safe […]

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Self Advocates of British Columbia Group

  These groups came together to learn and support each other. These groups also came together so they can share and help grow other self-advocacy groups.       Stay tune for further developments of this group if other self advocates want join can call Charmly Smith, SAS Involvement Coordinator Jill Glennie, UNITI Community Development […]

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Okanagan Self-Advocate Group

Who We Are: We are a group of adults with diversabilities who meet once a month to talk about issues that matter to us and help make our lives better because we are more aware. All are welcome to our meetings: ► Potential Self-Advocates ► Friends of members► Support workers What We Do: ►Talk about […]

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