Category Archives: A Parent’s Diary

My Baby is Not a Baby Anymore

  By Michelle Goos   My baby is not a baby anymore and is almost grown up. She just graduated from college this past week. She will be busy since she works three days a week at a private school in the kitchen helping with cleanup and etc. She is also in Special Olympics this […]

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Let Go, Let Her Have Her Life

By Michelle Goos (Victoria, B.C.) As a parent with a disability that has a daughter that has a disability, you see your child grow and you grow fonder of them. As a parent, you can look through their eyes at a whole new world. You see things differently; you see new things and all things […]

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Let Go, Let Her Have Her Life

By Michelle Goos (Victoria, B.C.) As a parent with a disability that has a daughter that has a disability, you see your child grow and you grow fonder of them. As a parent, you can look through their eyes at a whole new world. You see things differently; you see new things and all things […]

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My Baby is Not a Baby Anymore

By Michelle Goos   My baby is not a baby anymore and is almost grown up. She just graduated from college this past week. She will be busy since she works three days a week at a private school in the kitchen helping with cleanup and etc. She is also in Special Olympics this summer […]

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Christmas Time

Written by Michelle Goos When you are on low income it is hard to plan all the things you need to do at any time. But Christmas time is even harder because you want to make sure that you have money for gifts and food and the Christmas dinner, whatever that looks  like to you […]

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Cheyenne’s Summer Journey.

Cheyenne has now graduated and we are hoping that she can find employment. This summer Cheyenne went to her first Summer Games in Abbotsford there she did five races in swimming and she came back with a bronze medal! She had fun there making friends and watching other races. Over the summer Cheyenne has also […]

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A Parent’s Diary

A Parent’s Diary By: Michelle Goos My name is Michelle Goos. This is a story about me and my family, but mostly about my child (teen) who has a disability too. I have been with my partner, David, for 20 years. There have been ups and downs. Mostly around money. David has worked at the […]

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The Joys and Challenges of Being a Mom

Michelle Goos

by Michelle Goos   I am a mother who has disabilities and I have a 15 year old daughter who has disabilities too. I enjoy being a mom, watching my daughter grow up and see and learn new things and make mistakes too. It has been a long road of up and down. But we […]

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