Category Archives: Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger


I am home. I am not yet whole. I need a little extra help to get me through the day. Maybe 5 or 10 minutes in the morning will do it. My first thought was to get in an occupational therapist to see if an adaption can be made such that I need no extra […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment


 It’s in the early afternoon and I am sitting at home writing a blog. The only thing that makes this noteworthy is that I was just discharged yesterday from a week’s stay at the hospital. Joe came home to find me on the edge of the bed trying to put my pants on, but I […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment

Moments: One of four

 He was running, keeping up with his mother who was animatedly talking on the phone. Then, suddenly he dropped. I turned from where I was seated waiting for Joe, I thought he’d fallen but he hadn’t. He just stopped midstride and dropped to tie his shoe. He must have noticed the laces flapping and decided […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment

Good Will

I am not a biblical scholar and would never pretend to know the Bible beyond a few verses that I particularly like and, of course, beyond my meager understanding of the message. But I am going to dare to quote something here, and change a word to fit our times. “Peace on earth to those […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment

The Wave

We were out for Mike’s birthday, sitting on a patio, in the middle of a pandemic. The girls were with us because our car is too small to have 4 people in the back seat. Mike and his girlfriend Joss were following in a cab. We arrived at the restaurant first and were seated on […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment

What Grandma Wants

We’ve all made it. Now can we all do it? 2020: The Year of Hindsight. I’ve been thinking about that over these last few days. How wonderful it would be to be able to look back over time and see the decisions I’ve made, the hurt I have caused and the joys that I experienced. […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment

The Fight Is The Gift

Yesterday we went to see a performance of Handel’s Messiah at the Roy Thompson Hall, it’s a tradition of ours and we both really enjoy it. We left early enough to get lost in the streets of the financial district, another tradition, even with all that we were in our seats about a half-hour before […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment

Birthday Blog: An Unexpected Gift

We were at Dave and Busters in the arcade after having had a birthday lunch, complete with a home made purple birthday cake from Marissa and the girls, playing games. Joe and Ruby were in some contraption called “the Typhoon” and having a blast. I was sitting off to the side watching the screen. I […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment


We were leaving the mall heading for the car. My wheelchair legs are a bit low and often scrape the ground when I go down cut curbs. As a result, I simply turn the chair around and go down backward. I do this so often it’s automatic and done with ease. Joe was walking with […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment


Occasionally when out in the car we will pull up to a set of lights that are places of employment for those who ask for money. Their signs usually tell you what they need, and those needs are the really fundamental ones: a hot meal; a place to stay; warm clothing; take care of my […]

Posted in Rolling Around In My Head doing damns the darkness/ A Blog By Dave Hingsburger | Leave a comment