CLBC Employment Services Not Impacted by Ministry Changes This Month

Last month the Vancouver Sun published an article on 11 customized employment contracts managed by the Ministry of Social Development that conclude at the end of this month.  This is the result of an expiring
agreement between the federal and provincial governments.

CLBC employment services are not impacted by this change.  The change has been planned by the Ministry for some time and is part of a shift of employment contracts to WorkBC.

Individual plans are being made with each person currently enrolled in these programs. Most if not all are transitioning into services within Work BC or CLBC, depending on their preference and the CLBC capacity. There will be a three-month transition for people receiving services.

As part of its Community Action Employment Plan, CLBC is working with the provincial government to establish stronger local partnerships to help people with diverse abilities find and keep work.

Are you impacted by this change and worried about your transition? You can email us for more information or contact CLBC directly.

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