CLBC March,2019 Message to Self Advocates

March 2019
Dear B.C. Self Advocacy Community and Supporters,

We hope you are all having a happy and healthy start to 2019. We are pleased to share some recent CLBC updates.


From Seonag: This is my last message to you before I retire on March 31. I am so grateful for the opportunity I was given to serve. It has been a privilege to learn from self advocates across the province and I wish you all the best for the future.


This message has updates about:

  • CLBC Budget for 2019
  • CLBC Chief Executive Officer job posting
  • New board members
  • Inclusive employment report
  • Testing the new L.I.F.E.-based service at CLBC


CLBC Budget for 2019/20

On February 19 the government announced the 2019/2020 budget for CLBC.

This year CLBC will get an additional $66.5 million.

CLBC’s total budget for 2019/20 is $1,085.6 million.

CLBC serves 21,000 people.

The new funding will help CLBC give new or more support to individuals and families. This includes providing support to 900 to 1,100 adults who will become eligible during the year.

The new funding will also help service providers and home sharing providers.

To understand how CLBC makes decisions for funding services, please visit our website here.


CLBC Chief Executive Officer job posting

CLBC’S Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is retiring on March 31, 2019. CLBC’s Board of Directors is hiring a new CLBC CEO.

The CEO position has now been posted here.


New board members

CLBC recently welcomed seven new board members, including a self advocate and three family members.

Learn about CLBC’s board members and their backgrounds here.

This year, board members will visit Victoria and Vancouver in June, and Nanaimo and Abbotsford during Community Inclusion Month in October.

We will share updates about the tours in the “What’s New” section of the CLBC website.


Inclusive employment report

CLBC collects and reports on information about inclusive employment. The report is called the Learning from our Employment Data report. This report has information to help  increase inclusive employment opportunities for people served by CLBC.

The most recent Learning Report was posted to CLBC’s website on February 1, 2019.

You can find the 2016, 2017 and 2018 Learning Reports on our website here.


Testing the new L.I.F.E.-based service at CLBC

Five service providers will try out the new L.I.F.E.-based service starting on May 1, 2019. They are Kinsight, Lifetime Networks Victoria, Milieu, Community Living Society and Inclusion Langley.

L.I.F.E. stands for Learning, Inclusion, Friendships and Employment. It was designed with hundreds of individuals, families, service providers and CLBC staff.

The new service will support people to find a job, meet friends, learn skills that build confidence and independence, and find new opportunities in community.

The L.I.F.E.-based service will be available to more people starting in 2020.

To learn how one family helped design the new service, originally called Advancing New Support Options, click here.

We hope you found these updates useful. Please feel free to contact Jessica directly at if you have any questions or comments about this message.

Thank you as always for your leadership and expertise as we work together to build more inclusive communities.



Seonag Macrae
CEO, Community Living BC


Jessica Humphrey
Self Advocate Advisor, Community Living BC

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