CLBC’s E-Newsletter | December 2017

A bi-monthly update with news, stories and tips
A family helps design a new support service
Over the last three months Chris Dodds and her 20-year-old daughter, Darci, have been helping Community Living BC to design a new employment service.Click here to read the full story and learn how User-Led design puts families and people who use the service at the center of the design process.

Building independence: The first step is the hardest, for a family and their daughter

It was the first day of college for Bob and Puja’s daughter Roshni, and they had worked tirelessly to prepare her for the trip alone on Vancouver’s buses and Skytrain to reach her classes.Then they got a call from Douglas College; Roshni had not shown up!

Click here to read their story and hear Bob’s advice for working with CLBC to build the independence of a family member.

CLBC supports healthy aging and wellness with new website and publications

With a growing population of aging individuals with development disabilities, CLBC has developed new resources, including the website and a book of stories, to support individuals with life transitions as they age, and their doctors in caring for them.

Click here to read all about these new resources.

Not just the money person: How one Analyst works behind scenes to support people’s needs

For Cheryl McIntyre, a Quality Service Analyst in CLBC’s Port Moody Office, the individuals, families and service providers CLBC works with are always at the heart of her work.

Click here to read Cheryl’s profile and learn how CLBC Analysts work to honour the preferences of individuals and families in finding a service provider.


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