CLBC’s E-Newsletter June 2019

A bi-monthly update with news, stories and tips

Mapping a new path to inclusion
and belonging

“Coming together like this, to share resources and ideas, broadens horizons and connects people outside of paid services,” says Nicole Baker (pictured second from left), co-chair of the CLBC South Island Community Council, about the value of bringing families and self advocates together through local community mapping workshops.

Click here to read the full story and learn how people across B.C. are discovering new places in their communities to belong and connect
with others.



Families pilot new service

“That’s the value and the beauty of the pilot. I believe in the end that the challenges or limitations and successes of our experience will feed into a more refined, solidified service,” says Barbara Power, who is taking part in a pilot project for CLBC’s new L.I.F.E-based service with her son Kris Perry.

Click here to read how this new service will support four key aspects of people’s lives and learn about readiness events taking place this fall around B.C.

Why have a meeting when you can
have a party?

“I believe if we involve ourselves in community and strengthen our relationships in community, that this affects social change. By participating, we demonstrate what success looks like and we can celebrate it,” says Derek McQuillen, departing CLBC Vancouver Community Council member.

Click here to read Derek’s story and learn how he helped create an engaging and participatory culture during his time on the council.


A big heart and a warm smile

“I want people to feel like they can come back anytime if they are unsure about the information I’ve provided to them. I want to be an ongoing resource and source of support,” says Pauline Arnold, Contract Clerk in CLBC’s Cranbrook office.

Click here to read Pauline’s profile and learn how she helps put people at ease by addressing any questions or concerns that come her way.


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