Community-led projects boosted with gaming grants

Victoria Friday, January 22, 2021 8:45 AM

People in 29 communities throughout the province will benefit from capital project funding for the health and social services sector, search and rescue operations, and arts and recreation facilities, through Community Gaming Grants.

“The pandemic has highlighted the important role our community organizations fulfill, and their ability to provide direct support for people in communities has been vital,” said Josie Osborne, Minister of Municipal Affairs. “Whether it’s helping local food banks or connecting people through technology and mobile services, we are here to support British Columbians through this difficult time and create stronger, more resilient communities.”

Fifty-three not-for-profits are receiving a total of $5 million in capital project grants this year to make upgrades to community facilities and infrastructure, and update technology and equipment to improve their program delivery. Examples of the projects receiving funding include:

  • Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Society in Nanaimo received $60,000 for two vehicles that will support the organization’s mobile outreach team and to purchase case-management software for its programs.
  • Avalanche Canada in Revelstoke received $185,000 for a renovation of its office space to support COVID-19 safety protocols.
  • Dixon Transition Society in Burnaby received $124,000 to purchase a minivan, school bus and playground equipment for current clients and a future child care facility.
  • Denman Island Community Education Society received nearly $88,000 for the construction of an outdoor covered space to deliver a range of recreational programming.
  • Dawson Creek Society for Community Living received $250,000 for the construction of a building extension to support increased demand for programs and services.

Since 2017, the capital project sector has helped 285 not-for-profit organizations in 92 communities buy equipment and make renovations essential to their operations.

“The BC Association for Charitable Gaming (BCACG) is pleased to see $5 million in support pumped into many provincially based not-for-profits at this critical time,” said Caroline Miller, chair, BCACG. “These much-needed injections of major capital funding will make all the difference to all the successful applicants. We applaud the provincial government and the gaming branch for their dedication to this critical, ongoing funding of projects that will assist in COVID-19 recovery programs for many groups.”

This capital funding is in addition to funding provided to six different sectors for programming. The funding totals $135 million annually and supports nearly 5,000 non-for-profit organizations to deliver services to people throughout British Columbia.

The full list of capital project sector recipients is available here:

Learn More:

For more information on how Community Gaming Grants are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit:

Stronger BC: BC’s Economic Recovery Plan:

B.C.’s COVID-19 Action Plan and other government resources and updates:

A backgrounder follows.

Facts about Community Gaming Grants

  • Each year, Community Gaming Grants provide funding to 5,000 organizations, including arts and culture groups, sports, environment, public safety, human and social services, as well as parent advisory councils in schools throughout B.C.
  • The program provides up to $140 million that benefits communities through the organizations the Community Gaming Grants program supports each year, with $5 million dedicated to funding the capital project sector.
  • There has been no change to the Community Gaming Grants program budget for 2020-21.
  • To address challenges community organizations are facing due to COVID-19, the Province prioritized capital projects that help not-for-profit organizations facing an increased demand for services during the pandemic. As well, organizations that need to make modifications to meet public health and safety guidelines are receiving gaming grants.
  • All Community Gaming Grant funding this year must comply with the provincial health officer’s orders. The program is providing flexibility for organizations to delay project and service delivery until they can do so safely.
  • Each year, eligible organizations can apply for a capital project sector grant, in addition to one of the six sectors of regular Community Gaming Grants.

This on BC Govt website go to the link here

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