Extra Financial Help Can Support Me Better

By: Lauren Simpson


Hi, my name is Lauren Simpson and I am part of the Community Development POD.  I am stressed out because I can’t spend much money. My mom helps me save my money. I deposit it in the bank independently and I can take money in or out to buy something for myself. I save my money because I want to travel.

Travelling independently is important to me but I can’t go some places because of COVID. I want to travel again when it is safe and there’s no more COVID. I want to enjoy travelling just like everyone else. I would travel to Frankfurt, Germany and Jordan. I miss travelling with Rec and Leisure – we went to Los Angeles. I like to sit by the window so I can see what is outside. I’ve travelled to Las Vegas before and saw Celine Dion on a big stage.

I want to live in affordable housing independently like Harmony but I need support and for housing to be built. Medication is also important to me and I need to pay for it. If I had extra money, I would also save it and spend it on treats sometimes. I would; go out and do something in the community, walk everywhere and anywhere I want to go. My favorite place to walk to is anywhere that serves coffee or food.

It is hard to find the right job right now because of COVID but I would love to work for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Harmony, advocacy, interviewing, public speaking, and climate change. I would put affordable apartments everywhere in Canada to help people with disabilities, seniors, and advocate for people in need.

I would spend time with my family and pet dog named Jax instead of worrying so much about money. We would watch my favourite TV show called, ‘The Great Canadian Baking Show.’ I love to bake muffins, cookies, cupcakes, scones, and bread. I would like to make pretzels someday and maybe have a baking job. I would also relax and enjoy drinking wine, beer, or bourbon. I need; colleagues to support me, coffee, Harmony for affordable housing, and a good job – my dream job if possible. That’s how I will succeed.

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