Finding My Path

By Natasha Bidinoff-Gardiner (Nelson, B.C.)


I am Natasha. I was born in Surrey and raised in Nelson, BC. I am trying to find a clear path, where I belong in this world. Discovering more of who I am, I seek to change the world for the better. I want to be a self-advocate of some sort. How can I make a change and find a fulfilling career?

One personal interest I have is changing the education system. I was neglected to some degree in school; this hindered the quality of my learning. I learn differently from other students. I am creative and my attention wanders. I needed patience and repetition in order to learn. My language is also very limited. It was difficult for me to read, express myself, to be understood, and to understand people. Instead of spending quality time to teach me, I was kept behind. I missed out on the education I deserved; therefore I was set up to fail. (There was no proper funding for me.)

Schools greatly impact a student’s future. I want to find solutions to repair, build and strengthen the education system making it so all students can benefit by becoming successful and achieve their full potential. By providing the proper supports in schools, we are setting a higher percentage of people to become more successful. We need to guide students and lead them through a good life path. I imagine a team of people working together, united, to make changes. I do not want to see any more discrimination to students’ education. I want every student to receive the best support to create real progress and success. Prepare students to find and achieve their greatest ability and in return, the people in this world will have more positive outcomes in the future instead of taking away from a student’s  full potential. We create the world we live in.

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