Ham Stir Fry with Couscous

Selfadvocatenet.com Recipe of the Month for April Easter Edition 2021
The traditional Easter meat with a traditional Middle East pasta, stir fried with veggies and then simmered with a chicken broth mixture. Ham stir fry? Yes, indeed! Ham leftovers never had it so good.
Everyone who has tried this has loved this savory stir fry.
prep: 10 mins
cook: 10 mins
total: 20 mins
Servings: 6
Yield: 6 servings




Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • To Make Couscous: In a medium saucepan, bring water to a boil. Stir in couscous, reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes, until fluffy. Cover and set aside.

  • In a small bowl, combine broth, cornstarch, soy sauce, brown sugar and ginger. Mix together and set aside.

  • Heat oil in a large skillet or wok. Add garlic, broccoli, cauliflower and carrot; stir-fry for 7 to 8 minutes or until crisp-tender (add water as needed if pan gets too dry).

  • Stir broth mixture and pour over vegetable mixture in skillet, then stir in ham and water chestnuts. Cook 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in almonds. Serve stir fry over hot couscous.

Nutrition Facts

318 calories; protein 12.9g; carbohydrates 46.6g; fat 8.9g; cholesterol 11.2mg; sodium 994.3mg.
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