Inclusion Langley Self-Advocates Group

Inclusion Langley Self-Advocates Group

About us

Self- Advocate Committee

Since 2009, Inclusion Langley has supported the Self-Advocate Committee to ensure that the voices of self-advocates are heard and included in the work of the organization. Inclusion Langley supports self-advocates to be involved in local and provincial conferences to increase their knowledge in the self-advocacy movement.

The committee has developed plain language resource materials for individuals supported through the organization such as; Abuse and Neglect: A Guide for Self-Advocates and the Plain Language Guide to Supported Decision Making. The committee has open membership at all times.


Self-Advocate Leadership Group

Inclusion Langley offers a safe place, free of judgement, for adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorder to meet and talk about issues that self-advocates experience in their daily lives.

This group will be offered informal leadership training to develop their skills and knowledge to speak up on a variety of issues. Inclusion Langley Society provides advisors to the group to help strengthen the connection of the self-advocate leadership group with other self-advocate groups provincially.


Contact Us

Kim Bucholtz

EmailĀ  is


23535 44 Ave
Langley, BC V2Z 2V2


Telephone: 604-534-8611
Fax: 604-534-4763


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