International Day of Persons with Disabilities December 3,2019 is in support of international day for persons with disabilities on Dec 3rd.2019

This page is to highlight the history of International Day for Disabilities

In support of  acknowledging those with disabilities that we as self advocates been advocating for our rights for many years for equality and respect.

We have come along ways in changing the attitudes in our society that those with disabilities are people that want to be valued to be excepted in our society. we have accomplished many things like closing institutions more awareness in way treat people with disabilities and be included in our society work to do still but fact is we have come along ways in movement we celebrate good things that happened.

This year Theme

Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda”

What this means is that no one is left behind

This means that Persons with Disabilities are considered, Have a voice in and Are welcomed to participate

Since 1992, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) has been annually observed on 3 December around the world.

The theme for this 2019 IDPD is ‘Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda’. The theme focuses on the empowerment of persons with disabilities for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development as envisaged in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which pledges to ‘leave no one behind’ and recognizes disability as a cross-cutting issues, to be considered in the implementation of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

This 2019 observance of the IDPD at the UN Headquarters will consist of an official opening, a panel discussion on new initiatives for disability inclusion, and a spotlight event on the theme of ‘Sport for all for peace and development’, which will be the opportunity to discuss sport as a powerful enabler of peace and sustainable development through the empowerment of persons with disabilities

This above information is on website called United Nations go to the link here


The first part is what is International Day for Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3) is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992. It has been observed with varying degrees of success around the planet.

The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

It was originally called “International Day of Disabled Persons” until 2007.[1] Each year the day focuses on a different

This on site called International Communication Project go to the link here


CLBC recognizes International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2019

Ross Chilton, CLBC CEO

A message from Ross Chilton,
CEO, Community Living BC

Today, December 3, marks United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This annual celebration is a time for all of us across British Columbia to recognize the important contributions people with developmental disabilities make to their communities.

The U.N. has declared the theme for this year:
Promoting the participation o​f persons with disabilities and their leadership.

I’m proud to see many examples of participation and leadership in our province: In Mission, the annual Self Advocate Leadership Retreat marked its 20th year of bringing self advocate leaders together for a weekend of learning and connecting. It’s one of many events throughout the year that fosters self advocate leadership, and I had the pleasure to attend and speak with attendees; Across B.C, thousands have participated in the recent government consultation on the development of new accessibility legislation, including many individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. At CLBC, the include Me! initiative continues to collect valuable input directly from the people we support about what is important for a good quality of life. Over 6,000 people have already participated in the survey, which is administered by people with developmental disabilities.

Communities are better places when everyone has opportunities to participate and to lead. CLBC recognizes the many people who continue working and making this a reality in our province, including the people we support, their families, service providers, volunteers, employers and many other British Columbians.

I encourage you to visit Self Advocate Net’s webpage dedicated to International Day of Persons with Disabilities here to learn more, including information about events taking place in Vancouver and Nanaimo to celebrate the day.

This on CLBC website go to the link here


2nd part is statements from United Nations coming soon and statements from our Premier John Horgan of BC Govt and our Prime Minister  Justin Trudeau from Federal govt will be posted here

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities:

“On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we recognize Canadians, and people around the world, who live with a disability. Our neighbours and friends, colleagues and family, every day they defy stereotypes and overcome stigma to redefine what it means to thrive.

“Even as people with disabilities lead the way forward, many still face discrimination, exclusion, and barriers. Today, we recommit ourselves to building a more inclusive country – and world – based on equality and respect for everyone’s human rights.

“Over the last four years, we have taken significant steps to remove barriers and ensure equal opportunities for all Canadians. This July, the Accessible Canada Act came into force, after being developed with disability communities through the most inclusive and accessible consultations in Canadian history. Canada’s first national accessibility law is helping to create communities, workplaces, and services that give everyone the opportunity to participate fully in society.

“While we have made important progress, we also know there is more to be done. With the leadership of the new Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, Carla Qualtrough, we will continue to promote the rights of Canadians with disabilities, and build a more accessible and disability inclusive country.

“We will also continue to protect the rights of people with disabilities around the world. Last December, Canada acceded to the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as part of our unwavering commitment to provide equal opportunity and protect the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.

“We all benefit when everyone can fully contribute to our communities. Today, let us celebrate the accomplishments of people living with disabilities, as we work together to build a more inclusive Canada.”

This on Justin Trudeau website go to the link here


This will be videos once come in stay tune will be posted here



Meet 3 British Columbians shattering stereotypes about their disabilities


This will be where events are taking place


BC Fed event

Friends, please attend this BC Federation of Labour International Day of Persons with Disabilities event.

It’s free and you will be delighted by the food and able to enjoy great speakers and entertainment.


VIU Celebrates International Day of Persons with Disability

Dec 03
When: Tuesday, Dec 3, 2019, 1:30PM – 3:30PM

Nanaimo Campus

Building 200, Room 203

This year VIU will mark the International Day of People with Disability by holding Popcorn and a Movie, December 3rd, Building 200, Room203, 1:30 – 3:30.

On behalf of Student Affairs, we invite you to grab a bag of popcorn, or some seasonal snacks, and join us to watch award winning film maker Bonnie Sherr Klein’s documentary Shameless, the Art of Disability (NFB, 2006). Packed with humour and raw energy, this film follows five surprising individuals with diverse disabilities as they create and present their own images of their disabilities. The movie will be followed by a discussion with a Student Panel.

By gathering together to celebrate this day, we can help to ensure inclusion for the more than 1,000 VIU students and more than 6 million Canadians living with disability, and we can contribute to positive change in our community. Show your support by wearing an International Day of Persons with Disability button available at Disability Access Services, Building 200, Room 214.

To find out more about International Day of People with Disability go to their official website: For more information about Popcorn and a Movie contact Beth DeVolder:

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