Irish Peanut Butter Potato Candy recipe of month for March special edition St Patricks Day Edition
Irish Peanut Butter Potato Candy
This is an old-fashioned recipe passed down from my grandmother.
When she told me the recipe, my mouth dropped.
You mean you actually put a potato in this candy? Yes, you actually use a potato.
The candy is very rich but it tastes so good.
prep:15 mins cook:15 mins
additional:1 hr total:1 hr 30 mins
Servings:15 Yield:15 servings


Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • Place potato into a saucepan with enough water to cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook potato until very tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and allow to steam dry for a minute or two.

  • Transfer potato to a large bowl and mash with a fork until smooth.

  • Gradually stir confectioners’ sugar into mashed potato a little at a time until the mixture forms a stiff dough. The dough will be runny until all the powdered sugar is used.

  • Place a large square of waxed paper onto a work surface. Roll or press dough into a 12-inch square rectangle on the waxed paper.

  • Spread peanut butter over top of dough, covering it entirely.

  • Pick up one edge of waxed paper and start rolling the dough to make a 12-inch-long log. Wrap log tightly with waxed paper.

  • Refrigerate for 1 hour. Unwrap log and slice candy into cross-sectional pieces about 3/4-inch thick to serve.

Nutrition Facts

This recipe is from website called go to the link here
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