Kevin Parmenter’s Story

My name is Kevin Parmenter and I was born on July 30th, 1974. I joined Delta Community Living Society a very long time ago, too long to remember.
Working at work plus was one of my most favorite times. I enjoyed activities such as painting fences, mowing the lawn and pulling out weeds. I also helped with cleaning the chicken coup and collecting their eggs. It was quite an experience. Working in the greenhouse was another activity at Workplus where I would open up bags of soil and fill pots halfway for the plants.
These activities were enjoyable because I made many friends that I still have today. Goats, pigs and llamas were a part of the farm and they always kept me entertained. They also loved stealing my food. I always worked very hard and had lots of fun at Workplus.
I am now at Surrey Connections since 2019 and I have made many more friends. I get along with everyone here and I look forward to the activities I get to do. I love going to the music programs and playing the drums. I don’t stop playing until it’s time to go back to the program. I live with my caregivers and they are really nice people.
They give me a lot of food to eat and I love big meals. I recently attended my first wedding with my caregivers and I took my ipad to take pictures. We went to a big church then attended a big party and I ate so much food. I am very happy today because my team, the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl.
My team at Surrey Connections is Team Extreme and we do lots of crazy activities to get involved in the community. My group and I collect recycling from different businesses every month to fundraise money for the Surrey Food Bank. I do volunteer work at the Dasmesh Darbar Gurdwara with my group and always get a free lunch.
It makes me very happy making new friends. I went to Flyover Canada, the Christmas Market, go karting, Grouse Mountain and I loved taking pictures of everything. I buy lunch and coffee and also go bowling with my team. I recently went to Scott Road Connections on a double decker bus and it was very fun. When I met Santa Clause at the mall in December, he let me take a free picture and have free ice cream. I am learning about road safety and working on my communication skills every day. Every Wednesday I go to floor hockey at North Delta Rec center.
I get very competitive and like to score goals and play as a goalie. My group works on a new calendar every month so we can go to new places and do new activities. I am excited for the new activities I get to do this year and the new places I get to visit! I love being at Surrey Connections.

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