Kids Brain Health Network wants input on what their research should focus on, and they want YOUR help!


If you are a person affected by Cerebral Palsy, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, and Autism Spectrum Disorders (self advocate adult or teen, parent of a child with CP, FASD, ASD, elementary school teacher, high school teacher, Educational Assistant, Early Childhood Educator (pre-school), Family Physician, ER Physician, Psychiatrist, nurse, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, University based researcher, Social Worker, Frontline worker delivering interventions to children or youth with CP, ASD, FASD, or any other person who is affected YOU are invited to complete this very important survey!

By participating in this survey you will be helping KBHN to make resource allocation decisions for future research and knowledge translation activities (taking this research and passing it on to the people/organizations who can put it to use), based on your insights, experience and knowledge. This can help to help improve the quality of life for children, parents and families affected by Cerebral Palsy, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, and Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Kids Brain Health Survey will remain open until October 31, 2017.

BC People First is very proud to have been involved in the PLAIN LANGUAGE translation of this important survey. To find out more about the services BCPF offers in Plain Language Translation, please CONTACT US.




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