Late Lunch

We got to the restaurant a little later than we had planned. But what’s a vacation for but to make plans and then freely set about to mess them all up?

We were greeted by a woman with a disability, she used a cane for stability and for assisting with movement. She was warm and friendly and set about setting up a table for 5, all were set for 2 or 4, with skill and ease.
The most important thing to me was that she set it up exactly right for my wheelchair. No muss, no fuss, no notice, just an accessible table whipped up for us.
I don’t know if her disability played into how she provided service, but I’m guessing it might. And right then I was really thankful for her and her skill and her competence and her welcoming attitude. It isn’t always so when I’m out.
There are those people that seem to be set in the way of your life, those people you are destined to run into, those people who you will never know and, after a few minutes, never see again, but those sameĀ  people can have a real impact on us and our lives. She showed me it’s possible to be seated in a restaurant without show or complaint. No one noticed what she did. And that’s the point. No one but me, and that, for today was enough.
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