Message from CLBC CEO and Self Advocate Advisor

December 20, 2017

Dear members and allies of the BC Self Advocacy community,

On behalf of everyone here at CLBC, we offer you our best wishes for the holiday season and a very happy New Year.

We are pleased to send this message as an update on some of the projects we have been working on this year.

Updates include:

  • Improving support for people with multiple, complex needs
  • Families test new employment service
  • CLBC’s welcome process for new people coming to CLBC
  • CLBC’s web site
  • BC People First and CLBC leadership event
  • Self Advocate Net shares stories

Improving support for people with multiple, complex needs

CLBC has been researching better ways to support people living with “multiple, complex needs.” By this we mean people who experience mental health challenges, drug addictions and homelessness.

We have learned that many individuals with these complex issues have experienced trauma in their personal lives. Trauma is a deeply disturbing experience like abuse or bullying or the death of someone important that stays with you for a long time.

CLBC has been inviting staff, service providers and government and community partners to events across the province to learn from international expert Kim Bartel about what is known as “trauma-informed practice.” People who have attended this training have said it was very helpful.

Designing a new Community Inclusion service

Over the last two years, CLBC has been working with staff, service providers, individuals and families to design a new service option.

This is called the Advancing New Support Option (ANSO) project.

Many individuals and families have asked for a service that can help with employment, but also with other supports like making friends, learning new skills, and getting better connected in their communities.

The new service will not replace current employment services or community inclusion programs but will be a new option for people to consider.

Individuals, families, service providers and CLBC staff have been testing and trialing the design of the service so far. Click here to read a story about one family’s participation.

We are now planning how the new service will be introduced across the province with the service being launched in Spring 2019.

CLBC’s welcome process for new people coming to CLBC

CLBC has been working with individuals, families, CLBC staff, providers, the Family Support Institute and other groups to design and test a new welcome and planning process for people new to CLBC.

The new process will provide better information to individuals and families before the age of 19, including new welcome workshops to learn about the transition to adulthood, community resources and CLBC supports, and the different ways people can plan with CLBC facilitators and community partners.

CLBC will launch the new planning process starting in Spring 2018.

CLBC’s web site

CLBC is  re-designing the website so individuals and families can find the information they need about topics such as eligibility, services and supports, and how to get support.

CLBC also wants to make technical improvements to allow users to better view the web site on mobile devices like phones and tablets.

The CLBC Communications team has interviewed people who use the website, held a workshop with family members, met with self advocates on CLBC’s editorial board, and surveyed Community Councils.

A new, user-friendly CLBC website will be launched in Spring 2018.

Other news:

2018 BC People First and CLBC co-hosted Leadership event

The BC People First Society (BCPF) and CLBC have partnered up to hold an amazing conference and learning event in March of 2018.

Self Advocates will gather to celebrate being PROUD and whatever that means to them.

If you are interested in presenting your skills and expertise to other self advocates, please click here for the presentation proposal form.

Registration packages will be available in the New Year. Make sure to visit the CLBC events page to get all the details.

Self Advocate Net shares stories

Please visit the links below to read recent articles from self advocates across B.C. on and remember that you can submit your own story by clicking here.


We hope you found these updates useful. Please feel free to contact Jessica directly at if you have any questions or comments about this message.

Thank-you to all of  you who have helped us with our projects this year! We want to acknowledge your leadership and expertise as we work together for more inclusive communities for all.


Seonag Macrae
Community Living BC

Jessica Humphrey
Self Advocate Advisor
Community Living BC

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