Minimum wage increase takes effect

For those with disabilities if have a job for your information

Victoria Monday, June 1, 2020 8:00 AM

To support B.C.’s lowest paid workers, the general hourly minimum wage is increasing to $14.60, and the minimum wage rates for liquor servers, resident caretakers and live-in camp leaders are also increasing, effective Monday, June 1, 2020.

In 2018, to help make life more affordable for people, government committed to raising the minimum wage following a path of annual increases that are regular, measured and predictable.

Effective June 1:

  • General minimum wage increases 5.4% to $14.60 per hour, an increase of $0.75 per hour.
  • Liquor server minimum wage increases 9.8% to $13.95 per hour, an increase of $1.25 per hour.
  • Resident caretaker minimum wage, per month, increases 5.4% to $876.35 for those who manage nine to 60 units (an increase of $35.12/unit), or $2,985.04 for 61 or more units.
  • Live-in camp leader minimum wage, per day, increases 5.4% to $116.86.

These increases for low-wage workers are the third of four planned increases scheduled to take place on June 1 of each year since 2018. The increases are the result of recommendations from the independent Fair Wages Commission, established in 2017 to advise government on an approach to raising provincial minimum wages.

Establishing a pathway to a minimum wage of at least $15 per hour is a shared priority between government and the BC Green Party caucus and is part of the Confidence and Supply Agreement.

Learn More:

For more information, visit the Employment Standards Branch website:


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A backgrounder follows.

Who makes minimum wage in B.C.

In 2019, 147,600 people in B.C. were paid minimum wage, or 7% of all paid employees.

Of that number:

  • 47% were over 24;
  • 41% work full time;
  • 60% identified as female;
  • 42% had a high school diploma or university degree;
  • 44% worked in firms with more than 500 employees;
  • 29% worked in firms with fewer than 20 employees; and
  • 93% worked in the service producing sector, including retail trade and accommodation and food services.

The national average for percentage of workers earning minimum wage in 2019 was 8.8%, with Ontario having the highest rate at 10.9%.

In 2019, 282,600 people in B.C. were paid less than $15 per hour, or 13.4% of all paid employees.

This on BC Govt website go to the link click here

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