My life during the Pandemic

Hi, my name is Ronnie.

When I first learned about this pandemic it hit me pretty hard. I was so scared to go anywhere and thought I was going to die if I got Covid.  At first, I did lots of things at home, like watching movies, TV shows, helping my homeshare cook, sewing, etc. I learned how to use zoom and I am really good at using it now.

Oh, and I made three pillowcases now that I have on my bed.

It was my homeshare that really helped me with my fears and coping with this pandemic. I have spent a lot of time with her and she is really good at helping me understand what is going on.

I still like watching the news but when I get too overwhelmed from hearing what is happening in the world, I take a bit of a break from listening to the news.

A year later I am feeling better about going out. I got my first vaccination this past March.

I make sure I am always wearing my mask in public and on the bus and I wash my hands and sanitize often. I am used to being asked if I have any Covid symptoms and getting my temperature checked.

Once again I am back attending a day program, that is fun. It is different though. It is a small group now, I get a lot more one to one time with the staff and it is not so loud and I really like that. It is hard to wear a mask the whole time while I am there but I am getting used to it. We do a lot of activities but I really like the craft classes as I am very crafty.

Attending church also gives me comfort. This is very different as I attend virtually now.

I still spend a lot of time with my homeshare and I am feeling better about things so much now that I am working at finding employment again and possibly a business of my own.

Be safe and be kind. J



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