My Scholarship


By Cheryl Fryfield (Vancouver, B.C.) 


I recently was awarded a Scholarship from the British Columbia General Employees Union (BCGEU) and CLBC. I am so grateful. The scholarship helped me sign up again at the Jewish Community Centre so I could work out. It was too hot this summer to work out, so I did most of my exercise by walking. I have gone a few times to the gym and want to increase my visits to 2 or 3 times a week. I was glad I got the Scholarship.


I like to do the treadmill, bike and rowing machines. The rowing machine I find is the hardest to do so far. I have also tried the elliptical, they are hard too. I also do light weights. Light weights are when you use less weight with more repetitions. Well, that is how past trainers told me to train and it works. I don’t have a trainer, yet I have taken part in a lot of programs so I am familiar with what to do with the weights. I change my program every 2 weeks or so. The staff at the gym are very friendly and helpful as well.


I have a work out buddy to go with too. It’s nice to have support and to have someone to go with you. They can spot you as well, meaning they watch over you in case something goes wrong. I like having a workout buddy so I have someone to talk too. I never got into wearing those headphones like what the members at the gym use when they work out. I did have a Walkman (they were bigger than an iPod back then), but that was about it. In closing, it’s nice to know that are groups out there like the BCGEU and CLBC that helping people achieve their personal goals.

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