My Story About Keeping Busy and Safe During Covid 19

By Charmaine Johnson (CJ)

My name is Charmaine. Some of my friends call me CJ. I am a Self-Advocate of Nanaimo.

We have meetings by telephone because of Covid. We are doing a workshop to teach others about being a self-advocate.

Every month we have a learning circle. We learn things about living a good life. At our last circle we wore silly hats and had mini-self-care pies. We shared our stories about friendship, played friendship balloon tennis and made a friendship circle out of blue paper ribbon. During Covid I try to keep busy. I like to get out, do stuff and meet people.

I volunteer at the Bike Shop. People are friendly and helpful there. They give me a chance to learn new skills. I get to fix bikes, patch tubes and recycle tires. Every two weeks I go to the farmer’s market with my friend, Barbara.

We buy fresh vegetables, fruits and meats through a coupon program at Foodshare Nanaimo. I met a new friend in my neighbourhood when I was walking my dog, Sassy.

Last month I wrote a letter to the editor asking people to stay safe and follow Dr. Bonnie’s health rules.

We can all stay safe if we follow the rules:

. Keep six feet apart
. Keep your social bubble small
. Wear a mask
. Be kind to others

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