My Story about Volunteering at Shaw TV

Written by: Rob Janzen

I’ve been volunteering on “The Show” at Shaw TV, Nanaimo for 8 years.

The people are friendly and are nice to me. I’m the first one to arrive so I set up the studio.

I bring a treat for the crew to share. People enjoy the treats and appreciate me for bringing them and this makes me happy.

Some of the jobs I do are set-up the studio, put together the headsets and make sure the batteries are charged. Once the studio is all set-up I unlock the door and greet the people. I show the guests where to go.

Before the show, the crew gets together and shares pizza and treats. Then they go to their stations.

During the show I operate the video camera. I enjoy operating the camera because I get to learn a new skill and help people tell their stories on TV.

After the show is over the crew cleans up the studio and puts things away. I usually get a ride home afterwards because it is too late to take the bus.

I love volunteering at Shaw TV because all of the staff and crew are very nice and love me very much.

I recommend volunteering at Shaw TV because the people are nice, it’s fun and I get to learn TV production skills.

Volunteering at Shaw TV changed my life because supporting other people, working with everybody and the people are friendly and nice.

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