Premier’s statement on New Year’s Day

Premier John Horgan has issued the following statement about New Year’s Day 2020:

Victoria Tuesday, December 31, 2019 8:00 AM


“Tomorrow, we will wake up to a new year and fresh decade full of promise and opportunity. This is a time to reflect on our past accomplishments and set new goals to shape a better future.

“British Columbians will start off the new year with a little extra money each month with the elimination of Medical Services Plan premiums on Jan. 1, 2020, saving families up to $1,800 and individuals up to $900 each year.

“This year, we will launch the new B.C. Child Opportunity Benefit to help families get ahead.

Eligible families with one child will receive up to $1,600 per year, families with two children up to $2,600 and those with three kids will receive up to $3,400 each year, making a big difference in people’s lives.

“Looking back, 2019 was a year of progress. We worked to make sure B.C. families have access to affordable child care and housing. We strengthened our CleanBC plan with new accountability measures and we helped more people shift to cleaner forms of transportation, like electric vehicles and public transit.

And, we enacted historic legislation to recognize and uphold the rights of Indigenous peoples in B.C.

“I’m feeling optimistic as we ring in a new year on strong footing.

We’re working for the people of B.C. to build a strong, sustainable economy, improve the services people rely on, make life more affordable and protect our environment.

We’ve accomplished a lot and there’s more to do.

“On behalf of the Government of British Columbia, I wish you all a happy new year!”

For a French translation, visit:

This on BC Govt website go to the link click here

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