Dear Re-Imagining Community Inclusion (RCI) Partnership Table members:
I am pleased to share the final RCI report that we released earlier today. This work represents our roadmap forward.
It is a thoughtful, community driven approach that represents our shared goals for improved services and increased social inclusion in British Columbia.
As noted in my previous email, we will start to plan the implementation once the new Community Living BC (CLBC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is in place.
Today, I am pleased to share the news that Ross Chilton has been named as the new CEO at CLBC.
Ross is a long-time leader in BC’s community living sector and he will now help us lead the RCI process forward.
We have taken bold first steps and I thank you once again for your involvement at the partnership table.
I appreciate your contribution to the process and I look forward to working with you as we move forward together.
The report is also available online at
Shane Simpson
Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction