I’m a wall walker which means I can walk a short distance without falling if I have a wall to touch to help orient myself in space. This has something that hasn’t changed no matter how much exercise I do, it just is. But in my head, naked in the bathroom yesterday morning, I thought I’d give it a try sans wall.
I would like to say I managed it for a few seconds but it was immediate catastrophe.
And it really. Really. Hurt.
In talking to my coworker she was all apologetic and I stopped her and said, “I’d rather have tried and been bruised than not tried and not know.”
I feel like that about life a lot.
Particularly life as a disabled person. Limitations suggested by others are often very much lowered and I have had, and I know a lot of disabled people who have had, to fight to try, fight for the right to fail, fight for the possibility of succeeding.
It could have been that I didn’t fall.
I did.
I know that now, no wondering.
Except if maybe one more time …