We would like to send our support and condolences to the victims of Nepal earthquake.

50425C00-OTLEKHi all, wants to alert those that are not aware there has been earthquake in Nepal.

Our peers, Self Advocates there need your help, below is information that has been covered in the past few days. People with Diversabilities; we are wanting to reach out to anyone who needs support in this unforeseen tragedy in Nepal.

Below is the link for donating and Handicap International has sent a team of specialists to help people with disabilities that are displaced there. Please donate if you can to help the people of Nepal!


Nepal earthquake appeal

Urgent appeal: Help us deliver emergency aid to Nepal earthquake victims

This morning, a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck near the capital Kathmandu. At least 970 people are known to have died so far, with many more feared trapped under rubble.

Our teams in Nepal are already working on the ground to support injured people and earthquake victims. Please donate today.

Earthquake victims are helped by a rescuer in Kathmandu following the earthquake on April 25, 2015

Our director in Nepal, Sarah Blin, tells us, “the hospitals are already overcrowded with people with injuries and fractures. They are running out of equipment, which is why we have already distributed some emergency wheelchairs.”

From our long experience in dealing with earthquakes and natural disasters, we know how important it is to act quickly to prevent injuries becoming long-term disabilities. Working in Nepal since 2000, our team is already on the ground, ready to provide life-saving and practical help to disabled, injured and vulnerable people.

We must help quickly after such a massive disaster. Can we count on your support to enable us to help the people of Nepal? Please, give whatever you can today

Handicap International staff working overnight to assemble wheelchairs that we already had stockpiled in Nepal. The wheelchairs will be used to transfer patitents at the Teaching Hospital in Nepal.

Handicap International sends emergency specialists to Nepal

Handicap International’s teams, already present and active on the ground in response to the disaster, will be joined from Monday by several emergency specialists, to evaluate and meet the immediate needs. The first aid distributions were already made on Saturday by the organisation, which is also providing care to injured people.
Nepal earthquake

Earthquake in Nepal: Handicap International brings immediate aid to victims

On Saturday morning, 25th April, a powerful earthquake struck Nepal. So far the disaster has killed more than 1,000 people. Nepal has declared a state of emergency, and Handicap International teams are already on the ground, delivering direct aid and evaluating the need for a large-scale emergency intervention.
Flooding in Nepal

Nepal flooding: “Many families still haven’t received basic aid. Action is urgently needed”

Flooding in west Nepal has killed 123 people and displaced 33,594 families from their homes. Handicap International has launched a relief operation to assist victims of the disaster.
The himalayas, Nepal
© C. Acworth/Handicap International

Other activities in Nepal

Handicap International’s goal in Nepal is to improve the lives of people with disabilities by promoting their economic and social inclusion.

Since 2000 Handicap International has been working to improve access to rehabilitation services and to ensure that those services are sustainable. We also aim to ensure that disabled people are included in community-based disaster risk management by working with health and rehabilitation services in areas vulnerable to earthquakes.

Key facts

Despite significant progress, even against a climate of conflict and political instability, Nepal remains one of the poorest countries in the world. People with disabilities are among the most vulnerable in society and the exclusion of disabled people from basic services is prevalent.

Shockingly, it is estimated that 78% of children with disabilities are out of school. 15% of the population are estimated to be disabled yet just 1% of disabled adults are believed to be in employment.

• Human Development Index: 145th out of 187
• Life expectancy: 69 years
• Population: 27.8 million
Source: UNDP HDR 2014

Our projects

Rehabilitation activities

Strengthening local rehabilitation services

Goal: To support people with disabilities to be independent and participate fully in public life by improving local rehabilitation services benefiting people in 41 districts. The key activity in this project is support for five rehabilitation centres delivering physiotherapy, occupational therapy and orthotic and prosthetic care. We are also supporting community disability outreach workers working with people in the remotest areas to access care. An important part of this is the organisation of regular mobile rehabilitation camps.

Lastly, to ensure that the centres are able to provide long-term support we are helping them to look for their own sources of funding.
Beneficiaries: The project has already benefited 16,000 people with disabilities.

Inclusion activities

Inclusive livelihoods

Goal: To ensure people with disabilities, including ex-combatants injured during the civil war, can access the opportunities they to need to make a living. There are several elements of this project. Firstly, we talk those benefiting from the project through their options to find out what they would like to do. We then give them the tools needed to enter into employment or self-employment, such as vocational training, access to micro-finance or apprenticeships. We also work with employers to provide inclusive spaces to disabled employees.
Beneficiaries: About 2,000 people with disabilities.

Emergency activities

Community Based Disaster Risk Management

Goal: To ensure vulnerable people and local authorities are in a stronger position to prepare for and respond to natural disasters such as floods and landslides. We are supporting villages to develop their own disaster management plans; carrying out emergency drills; supporting schools to be prepared; establishing early warning systems; training communities in first aid and rescue; raising awareness and implementing small measures to reduce risks such as reinforcing river banks.
Beneficiaries: 230,000 people in Dang and Kanchanpur district.

Emergency activities

Earthquake preparedness project

Goal: To support the Ministry of Health, hospitals and health workers in Kathmandu Valley so they are prepared to manage mass casualties in the event of an earthquake. One key activity is to establish an early deployment mechanism for health staff living in urban areas.
Beneficiaries: 34,221 people living in an area at risk from earthquakes.

Emergency activities

Flood relief and recovery project

Goal: To establish and support seven vulnerability focal points to support people in Dang province affected by the floods of August and September 2014.
Beneficiaries: 872 families people in Dang Province.

Other recent projects include:

Emergency activities

Ensuring the most vulnerable people are included in natural disaster risk preparations

Regional project running in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and at regional level.
This project finished in December 2014.
Goal: To develop a model of disaster risk reduction planning that can be implemented across the country as well as internationally. In partnership with ActionAid and Oxfam GB, we are working to share good practice in including people with disabilities in disaster risk management plans and initiatives.
Beneficiaries: People with disabilities and organisations involved in disaster risk management.

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