“Stay Cation” What to do on your vacation when you don’t go anywhere.

Stay Cation 2For the past few years I haven’t had money to go anywhere, so I try to make the best of it and maybe go on day trips or hang out with my friends.  I had a week off in July so far, and did not go away.  I made sure I planned something for every day so I wouldn’t get bored or lonely. I also spent time during the day with my mother in the senior’s home where she lives.

There are many things to do in a city like ours that are not expensive.  You can do day trips, like going to Horse-Shoe Bay, or a day in Stanley Park.  There are good beaches around too; Crescent Beach, White Rock, English Bay and Spanish Banks to name a few.  You can also go see a cheap movie with a friend, have a coffee at your local coffee shop, or find a hobby you like to do.  There are also inexpensive trips on the Island too, like going to Victoria for the day.

I know we would all like to go to extravagant places like Hawaii, but we have to be realistic here.  We can go almost anywhere in the Lower Mainland and Interior of BC for a cheap vacation and sometimes a free one too!

There is the Fraser River Park down the hill from where I live.  It’s a good 45min for walk for me depending how fast I walk, sometimes I like do more of a leisurely walk in the park.

Vancouver is good for Arts and Entertainment, with lots going on, check out your local listings in the paper.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer on your “Stay Cation” i.e.:  means staying at home on vacation and relaxing.

Cheers!Summer Fun

Cheryl Fryfield

Self Advocate of Vancouver

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