Written by: Lillian W

It goes without saying that the world has taken a very unexpected twist. We have all been affected and are living day-to-day in a time of uncertainty.

As a person with a disability, I began to feel the anxiety and stress rise within me. I wondered if am much more vulnerable and/or whether my family could be harmed by this virus.

Instead of letting those worries take over, I have found that regularly incorporating certain things into my daily routine has been very beneficial. I would love to share these with you in case they are helpful.


  1. Stay informed, but take breaks off of the news and media – these places can keep your mind focused on worry and fear. I check the facts from reputable sources like the CDC and WHO and follow local guidelines for the province, but I don’t spend any more time watching news stories.
  2. Keep it light. Laughter has been a true gift during challenging times in my life. I have been tuning in to comedy shows, and finding the “good news” stories on social media.
  3. Connect with someone every day by phone or Zoom, Skype, etc. Whether you live alone or with family, this is a great opportunity to connect every day with a friend. I have been playing games over Facetime with my nieces.
  4. Use relaxation techniques, meditation or mindfulness. I have found meditation to be incredibly helpful in these difficult times. Meditation can be done sitting, lying in bed, or nearly anywhere. I create a nice little space in my apartment where I look forward to sitting for 10 minutes each day. Soft music and a cup of tea is also a great way to relax.
  5. We all may have varying amounts of movement that is possible. While I experience pain, I still try to move even in little ways each day. If walking is not a possibility, doing neck circles, dancing (even in a chair) – there are many types of movement and nothing is too small!


I hope that everyone is doing what they can to stay calm and healthy during this challenging time. Please remember that you are not alone and we will all get through this!


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