Stupid Masks

Written by Madeleine Wieczorek

My name is Madeleine. I’ve lived independently at Chorus since it opened, however long that is. Before the pandemic, I worked at a seniors home in recreation. I love working with seniors because they can say whatever they want and not get in trouble.

Also, they’re funny, and they love me. I love cooking and baking with my friend Micheal and my mom. I love to go on vacation with my family. Before all this happened my life was going fine. I used to go grocery shopping by myself, I used to go to the library by myself, London Drugs and take care of my cat and my apartment by myself.

Coronavirus totally sucks. I can’t cook with my friend Micheal, or go on vacation or go to work. I can’t return my library books. Sometimes I get bored now and then. But the worst part is the masks. I hate wearing masks. I just don’t like wearing it. And it fogs up my glasses. It was a really big struggle.

And I still don’t like wearing my mask. I have a doll named Sally, and my mom made Sally a mask. She wears it when she has too as well, but she doesn’t like it either. But she still wears it.

Wearing masks sucks, but we’re wearing them to stay safe so we don’t get sick. Wearing a mask is also a way I can help my community and protect other people.

When all this is over I’m going to burn my mask, return my library books and return my bottles. I can’t wait.


This is a poem I wrote about my experience:


Covid 19 virus isolating is no fun

It’s like taking away your independence

Being told you can’t go outside by yourself

That you have to go with some and stay at least 6 feet apart

Then wait in line outside the store to go into, the store because they only allow 100 people in a at a time

The places that you normally go to are closed

Your normal routine is thrown off

Because of the Virus

Sometimes you have a break down and it sucks

You’re mad, angry, or scared because you don’t know when this is all going to go

away and life will get back to normal

Let’s work together to make this virus go away

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