SURVEY – Advancing Equal Access for People with Intellectual Disabilities in the Workforce

UBC Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship conducting a survey

We are working with Inclusion Canada and People First of Canada on a research project about employment standards for people with intellectual disabilities. A standard is a set of rules or guidelines that tells employers what they should do to make sure people get treated fairly. We are looking at what standards (or rules) will help self-advocates get jobs, keep jobs, and be treated fairly.

This project is funded by Accessibility Standards Canada.

As part of our research, we want to hear from self-advocates, employment specialists, and employers. We think that hearing your experiences will help us figure out what should be in these new standards or rules. Your experiences will help us give feedback and recommend ideas for these new standards.

Please think about taking the survey and telling other people you know about it. It should take about 20 minutes to complete. It is confidential and anonymous. You do not have to provide your name or any other personal information. Please note that once you start the survey you can not stop partway through and then finish it later.

Click on one of the links below to take the survey.


Self-Advocate Survey:    English     French 

If you would like help to take the survey you can contact People First of Canada and they will help you do the survey on the telephone. Please email Monica from People First Canada at

Employer Survey:     English      French


Employment Specialist Survey:     English     French

Thank you for helping with this research.


This on UBC website go to the link here

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