The CLBC Editorial Board is looking for stories from self-advocates for the 2019 Winter Edition of the Celebrate Diverse Abilities magazine.

Calling for Stories from Self-Advocates!

The CLBC Editorial Board is looking for stories from self-advocates for the 2019 Winter Edition of the Celebrate Diverse Abilities magazine.

The theme for the next publication will be in support of December 3rd, International Day for Person’s with a Disability:

The Future is Accessible . We are looking for 250-word stories about what an Accessible Future looks like to YOU! What does Accessibility mean to you? What kinds of things have you worked on to make your life and community accessible?

Story submissions will be accepted until November 30th.

Selected authors will be paid $100 for their story and photo to be published in the CLBC Celebrate Diverse Abilities magazine.

Story submissions will be accepted from people who receive support from CLBC.

Preference will be given to authors who have NOT yet been published in Celebrate Diverse Abilities magazine.

Interested authors please email your submission (with photos) to CLBC Self Advocate Advisor, Jessica Humphrey,

Full details here: & please share with anyone you know who might be interested in submitting their story!

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