The Kamloops Self Advocates Newsletter August 2019 Edition

The Kamloops Self-Advocates is a

Newsletter for people with diverse abilities
published by Krystian Shaw.


August 2019 Edition KSA Newsletter 2019 contains in

This month’s theme








Welcome to Summer!

With summer in full swing, we’ve got some fun ideas in this month’s newsletter to help you get out and enjoy your summer vacation.

Kamloops has so much to offer. And, if you are looking to go a little farther, BC has lots of amazing destinations.

Whether you are planning a vacation or have plans to travel, there is so much to do and see!
August is an exciting for entertainment and travel. Vancouver has the annual PNE, where you can enjoy Playland and lots of amazing bands, like Blue Rodeo and ZZ Top.

It is ZZ top’s 50th anniversary tour this year, so it is sure to be a fantastic event.
This month, we also have lots of interesting articles to in-spire people to dream big no matter their challenges in life.

There is something for everyone. We hope you enjoy all of the inspiring stories as well as entertainment articles in the newsletter this month.


Click here to read the KSA Aug 2019 final

If you would like to contact the newsletter, you can
Contact us at:113-540 Seymour St,. Kamloops, BC V2C 2G9
Office phone: 250-828-1344
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