The Kamloops Self Advocates Newsletter Febuary, 2019 Edition

The Kamloops Self-Advocates is a

newsletter for people with diverse abilities

published by Krystian Shaw.

February Edition of KSA Newsletter 2019 contains in

This month’s theme

Starting Friday, February 15th 2019 a new peer mediated self advocacy group will be starting up at Prima Enterprises located at #102-1103 12th Street. The goal of this group is to facilitate community building and helping to overcome social barriers this may include but is not limited to social anxiety and developmental disorders. This group is for people who are 19+ and who are able to attend without support.

The first few weekly meetings will be to meet and get to know one another as well as to determine what kind of activities this group will be doing, and to name this group. Rules will be set in the first meeting however a few ground rules are required. These are: no racial or sexual abuse or abuse of any kind, if someone asks for you to stop something please respect them, and please do not curse in an insulting or targeted manner. If you are interested, head over around 2:30 pm. I look forward to meeting you. For more information contact me: Stuart @250-682-7925. See you soon!


Click here to read the newsletter KSA Feb 2019


If you would like to contact the newsletter, you can Contact us at:
113-540 Seymour St,. Kamloops, BC V2C 2G9



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