The Kamloops Self Advocates Newsletter July 2020 Edition

The Kamloops Self-Advocates is a

newsletter for people with diverse abilities

published by Krystian Shaw.


July Edition of KSA Newsletter 2020 contains in

This month’s theme 

Happy Canada Day everyone! Did you know this is Canada’s 153rd birthday? We want to help you celebrate and have included lots of ideas in this month’s newsletter.

We have included everything from food to entertainment. Being Canadian isn’t just about celebrating on Canada Day, though. It is also about thinking about our rights and freedoms. That include the possibility of being employed, being in community, having your voice heard and living life in a meaningful way.

This is true for all Canadians. As we move into summer, we may not be able to take part in all of our usual activities, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.
Maybe it is a chance to try new things. On-line camps are new for a lot of people. For many people, travel may not be possible, but staycations might be a chance to see and do new activities as you explore Kamloops. We may not be able to celebrate and do things in the usual way, but we can still have lots of fun!


Click here to read the newsletter KSA July 2020


Do you have a story idea or an event you think would be interesting for our readers?

If you would like to contact the newsletter, you can Contact us at:
113-540 Seymour St,. Kamloops, BC V2C 2G9


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