The Kamloops Self Advocates Newsletter May 2021 Edition

The Kamloops Self-Advocates is a

Newsletter for people with diverse abilities
published by Krystian Shaw.


May Edition KSA Newsletter 2021 contains in

This month’s theme

This month we are focusing on healthy living. Maybe you want to know more about mental health week, or maybe you want some suggestions for entertainment, like music or movies.

We have you covered with articles on everything from self-care to thinking about kindness and compassion.

Healthy living is about all areas of your life and we hope you will take some time to think about looking after your health and well being.
Mother’s Day is on May 9th. We hope you can take some time to celebrate your mother and all mothers. Remember, it isn’t about the flowers and presents, but about taking some time to honor your Mom. Covid has taught us what a gift it is just to be able to spend time together.

This Mother’s Day, we hope you will be able to spend time together and maybe even share a hug!
We hope you enjoy this newsletter. Please send us your feedback, story ideas, and thoughts. We always love hearing from our readers.


Click here to read the KSA May 2021 (2)

If you would like to contact the newsletter, you can
Contact us at:113-540 Seymour St,. Kamloops, BC V2C 2G9
Office phone: 250-828-1344
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