Training Day

By Manjeet Ghangass (Semiahmoo, B.C.)

Today I did a presentation for the Semiahmoo House Society’s Core Training. This Training teaches new staff things like, our mission and philosophy; all the different programs and services; and educating people on why Semiahmoo House exists.

I explained that the Self Advocates of Semiahmoo is run by people with many abilities. The self-advocates create change through positive relationships in the community. We do many events throughout the year like a clothing sale, karaoke nights, and a community hockey night.

The money raised goes back into the community for causes we are all passionate about, like the Beach Wheelchair Project, and the All Abilities Playground.

I spoke about some things that I’m passionate about like how I want to improve the quality of resources for people with diversabilities.

We need more supports for diversability students in high school and when they graduate to get employment. I really enjoy working, being productive, and making money. I wish I had more supports available on how to get and keep a job. A successful way that employers can support me in my job is by having picture guides and step by step instructions. Simple things like this help me. I’m a really hard worker and have a lot to give.

I also spoke about the importance of using respectful and appropriate language with my peers and people in the community.

As a community, we are always trying to be our best selves. We really enjoy being treated as real people with real feelings, hopes, and dreams.

The diversability community are proud of who we are, and we want to be accepted 100% for being who we are.


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