
Photo Description: I am sitting beside my father in his hospital bed.

He is holding my hand and we both are smiling.

My father died yesterday morning.



I went to visit him when he fell really ill a bit ago.

During our visit we had a chance to talk and there was something, quite private, that I wanted to say to him. I don’t think that we know what to thank our parents for until we are well into adulthood, I wanted to do that, and I did.

That felt like an accomplishment, but it also started a series of conversations, over the phone with him. Conversations that I will now miss dreadfully.

Over the next few days I plan on writing a bit about who my dad was, or at least who he was to me, as his youngest child.

But right now, I concentrating on learning how to live in a world without having a ‘dad’. He lived so long that I almost believed that he’s always be there.


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