They had flung on the robes over their street clothes and while Sadie was still picking hers out, I looked at Ruby wearing her choice.She was struggling to get it to hang right, I called her to me and said, “I’d like to see if this fits properly, do I have your permission to pull the coat from behind you so it wraps all the way around.” She nodded. I did and it fit. Next up was Sadie and she had the same problem with the robe not naturally falling over her street clothes. I called her to me and asked her the same question, I wanted her permission to just pull the robe further around. She agreed. In this case, Sadie’s was too small so she got a larger size.
I hadn’t noticed that the sales clerk was standing off to the side.
She was crying.
I hate to say this, but I think I know why.
Don’t assume you have it.
It isn’t hard.