CLBC Board Chair re-appointed to second term

         Dr. Michael J. Prince.

Community Living BC (CLBC) is pleased to announce that Dr. Michael J. Prince has been appointed to serve a second term as Chair of the CLBC Board of Directors from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024.

Dr. Prince was first appointed Board Chair from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021.

“I am honoured to again be given the opportunity and responsibility to serve as CLBC board chair and continue the good work of advancing the inclusiveness of our province for people with developmental disabilities,” said Dr. Prince.

Under his leadership, the CLBC Board has met regularly with the CEO to support CLBC’s COVID 19 emergency response. During this time the organization has made efforts to enhance relationships with individuals, families and service providers.

“Michael is a strong supporter of the individuals and families we serve,” said Ross Chilton, CEO. “I have appreciated his leadership, expertise and wisdom, especially during the difficult pandemic. I am so glad we will continue to have his guidance and leadership.”

In his second term Dr. Prince will help oversee the development of CLBC’s next strategic plan that will support important efforts to improve Indigenous relations, improve access to inclusive housing and increase employment.

“This is an exciting time for CLBC,” said Ross. “We are fortunate to have a Chair who has a deep understanding of those we serve and a vision for helping them to be fully included in society.”

This is on the CLBC website go to the link here

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