Remembering Dave Hingsburger in memory of  a disability advocate Dave Hingburger

we send our condolences to dave family, friends, colleges of his. he passed away on July 18th,2021 

this loving memory of his contribution to the disability community

For decades, as a clinician, trainer and author Dave has been an unrelenting and tireless advocate for the rights and freedom for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A prolific writer, Dave was an early “blogger’ where he mused daily about diversity, disability and difference with equal doses of eloquence, humour and provocation. Over the years, he also authored several books that have been used by generations of disability professionals across the world to help them understand issues of humanity; Behaviour Self: Using Behavioural Concepts to Understand and Work with People with Developmental Disabilities; Just Say Know!: Understanding and Reducing the Risk of Sexual Victimization; and a real nice but: articles that inspire, inform and infuriate – to name a few very important contributions to the field of disability.

Dave was the founder and editor of the International Journal for Direct Support Professionals, a set of easy to-read, practical articles for direct support professionals on a variety of topics that are pertinent to their role in supporting people with intellectual disabilities. Earning a loyal and growing following of readers across the globe, every year Dave and his colleagues published twelve issues of the journal in English, French and Spanish. He also became a highly skilled interviewer with his monthly “Let’s Talk with Dave” webinar series in partnership with NADSP, where he interviewed the author of that month’s publication and dove deeper into the topic in a talk show format where once again, he showed his commitment, intellect and incredible wit.

this on website called The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP)

Here is his blog san been following

Dave will be missed by those who knew him. If you feel inclined there will be live streaming of a memorial this Saturday, August 21, 2021, at 11 am Celebration of Life for David Hingsburger


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