Written by: Krista Milne

Hi, my name is Krista Milne. I am a member of SAS and I live at Chorus. I am telling you my story about COVID-19 and how I am coping with it. Some days are a bit hard, some days are not. But I always have support if needed from my staff, family and friends.

It can be overwhelming. It’s stressful. I can’t be out in my community every day. I have to be with my staff when I do go out. And not seeing my family and friends up close is hard.

But I’m still trying to look on the positive side, and staying away from the evening news, because it’s telling you all the bad stuff going on. I’m trying to stay away from the negative, if possible, and focus on the positive.

I have been making my meals for dinners, some healthy choices. I have been doing some yoga, I tried the surrey fitness videos today. I have been going on walks with my staff. I have been going to the store with staff, I have been wearing my mask and my gloves and following too many rules.

I learned how to use Zoom and have been using it to keep in touch with my friends, staff and family.

I wanted to help people in my community so I am working with the Self Advocate Leadership Network to create awareness for everyone on how to cope with COVID-19. I want to tell other people to try and think of the good things, and stay away from the negative. Always think about the positive. We can fight this together. You are not alone in this. Together we are powerful. Let’s go Canada.

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