Coping With The Covid 19 Virus


Submitted by Kyle Youmans

Over the past several months, I have avoided the COVID-19 virus by washing my hands a lot, using sanitizer, wearing a mask and gloves when I go for walks and not going to grocery stores much.  In addition, Darryl Harrand, the Chair of the Okanagan Self-Advocate Group and I, the Co-Chair had to make a difficult decision to cancel our guest speakers booked for four months, from March to June.  The group was just gaining in popularity and we were having high attendance at sessions. However, everyone’s health and safety were far more important to us.  The South Central Okanagan CLBC Community Council backed our decision.  I have found it hard not to be able to go to stores and to help run the monthly meetings. I miss it very much!

In my job at a major world-wide package delivery company, I have continued to work throughout this time, as I am a front-line worker.  Thank you to all the great front-line workers at hospitals, grocery stores, hardware stores and delivery companies for their continued dedication and hard work during this challenging time in our lives.


Kyle Youmans, Age 25, with high functioning Autism


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