Dear BC Self Advocacy Community and Supporters,

Attention Self Advocates  Jessica Humphreys from CLBC  has sent out information in case you did not receive them.

Here is information about Covig updates

  1. Plain Language Questions and Answers from April 2nd Teleconference with CLBC and the Minister-


  1. Most recent CLBC Covid-19 Update for Individuals and Families (posted weekly on the CLBC website)  Contact for your ideas on what should be included in this bulletin.


  1. Factsheet on financial assistance for people with diverse abilities during COVID-19-


  1. Self Advocate Net is collecting resources to share here and also accepting and paying for stories about how self advocates are staying safe and socially connected during this COVID-19 crisis.  Click here to submit your story.


  1. Plain language resources shared by the Canadian Association for Community Living-


Thank-you to everyone doing your part to keep BC healthy!

Best wishes,

Jessica Humphrey

CLBC Self Advocate Advisor



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