It’s A Whole New World


Written By: Jeevan Basra

Self-isolation, social distancing, Covid 19. These are new terms for me. My world has changed a great deal since March. I have faced new challenges and learned new skills that I will be able to use after quarantining is over.

I am no longer attending school and the thrift store I volunteer at is closed. I am not meeting my friends at Special Olympics anymore. I have not been to a grocery store, library, or a community center since February, however I am staying active, positive and well connected with my peers in new ways. I am having lots of fun doing homework, cooking, and baking with my family. This uses my math, science, and reading skills.

It really IS a whole new world… I am excited I have learned to use various ways of virtual communication. For example, I have been using Zoom Conferencing to connect with my peers. Through Zoom, I am able to continue to participate in SAS and Toastmasters. Every week, I get to see my friends through my computer. We share lots of good stories and even some funny jokes.

I am using Zoom to connect with my occupational therapist every week. We are working on a free self-help program through ANXIETY CANADA, called “My Anxiety Plan.” Also, Special Olympics and Becky Lynch from WWE have created great workout routines that are available free online. I practice these videos everyday so I can stay physically active and connected with Special Olympics. I am excited that I have learned a new skill while self-isolating! Recently, I began riding a 3 wheel scooter around my neighborhood everyday while practicing social distancing. This all helps me manage the stress and anxiety I feel as my world is changing.

I am looking forward to when I can see my family and friends in person again. In the meantime, I am enjoying seeing everybody through Facetime and texting regularly. I am doing well, overcoming challenges, and learning new skills every day in this new world of ours.

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