Kamloops man hoping to ‘certify local businesses as disability friendly

A Kamloops man is hoping his ‘Ability Friendly Access Business program idea will certify local businesses as disability friendly.

Krystian Shaw, who runs the Kamloops Self Advocate newsletter says the program would certify businesses as welcoming to people of all abilities.

“Lots of businesses should be recognized for their hard work and stuff,” he said. “Customers or patients would likely be welcomed or be drawn to their business if they are disability friendly.”

The program he says costs $15 a quarter or $50 for the year, with the money helping Shaw run his newsletter

“They will get a certificate with a frame to hang up on your business wall for customers or patients to see,” he added. “They will also get a listing in our monthly newsletter about being disability friendly.”

Shaw says he’s got one business – Fun Factor – interested already, and he’s hoping to hear from others in Kamloops.

“Because I live with developmental disabilities and I also have an anxiety disorder and ADHD and I wanted to do something like my newsletter or like this program because I want to give back to people the same way as I was supported during my growing up years.”

This on website called radio 610am nl in kamloops click here


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